Living in Faith

What does it mean when you hear people say, "you just gotta have faith?" It often just seems like some sort of platitude, or something to say when you don't really know what to say. Many times you say it thinking that if it's said, it will be true. But what about those times where even saying those words feels false, not enough, or just plain ridiculous? Do you feel as if you can't even imagine how God would take care of the situation? We are at our wits end, can't think straight, or just overwhelmed with what is happening in our lives. In those times, what do we do? Recently, I experienced a dead in. You know, the "can't move another inch" dead in. I was stuck. Nothing seemed right; everything seemed like it was just on remote control; and, I was frozen! I often wonder if it is my age or stage of life that is bringing me to these types of feelings. Maybe middle age really does come with emotional baggage after all! During...