The Wonder of His Creation

The Grand Tetons National Park - June 2018

This summer I was able to visit the gorgeous colors, views, and coolness of Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  What a gift to my husband and myself as we used the week to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary!  I am rather shocked that so many years have gone by.  It really does seem like a short time ago that the two of us were saying our I dos!

In preparing for this trip I diligently studied the weather, what to pack, where to go, and even pre-booked a few excursions.  What I didn't prepare for was the amazing way God has shown us a facet of Himself:  Creator!  During this trip my husband and I kept commenting that God apparently forgot to deposit a few of these gorgeous mountains in central Texas!  Further, the weather was often for jackets and sweaters. Given the 90-100 degrees we experience back home, it was a welcome relief to bask in the coolness.

Seeing those gorgeous mountains of the Grand Tetons whose peaks were still snow-covered, reminded me of so many things about my Lord:

  • God has us "covered" in protection and provision
  • His mercies soar to the heavens, and are new each morning
  • The power and majesty of His name reaches every where
So, what did this trip teach me?  To take comfort in His ability to lead and guide in all things.  To reach out to Him with my troubles, concerns, and stressors of life.   And, to bask in His holiness and goodness each and every day.  

For me, that means I must be intentional in making time with Him.  I was reminded that God is there, always.  Just like those mountains.  They may be covered up with snow, clouds, or fog at times, but they are there!  God's presence is the same for us.  We may not see Him or sense His closeness, but He is there all the same.  My job is to keep on praying, keep on reading His word, and keep asking for Him to reveal Himself.  Even when God seems distant I must trust that He will never leave or forsake me.  I just need to trust.

As the summer winds down, and the crispness of fall (really? in Texas?) seeps in, I can know that in all seasons, my God is faithful. He will carry me no matter the storms I may face.  In preparation for fall, I vow to remember the grandeur of those mountains and how our God is even more "grand" than anything He has created.

“For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God is my strong fortress, and he makes my way perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:33


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