Heritage, Harvey and Half-time

Many of you may wonder what these three "h" words have in common?  For me, so very much.

On August 20th I left a piece of my heart at a dorm called "Heritage."  The significance being that dropping off our youngest at college would forever change our family structure as we've known it for almost 30 years!  It was the start of an empty nest.  One we anticipated and even relished. We came home to an empty room, no teenager vehicle in the driveway, and no messes around the house. How did we really feel about it then?

And then, before we even had a chance to fully process the impact, along came another "h," that being Hurricane Harvey!

Within a week, we are bracing for what could be a hurricane of the century.   My husband had to rush to help our other son prepare his house for evacuation.  Working with plywood, nails, hammers, and a drill in good working order were the events of the afternoon.  Several hours later, they were on the road inland.  What should normally be a two hour drive, took over four!  Even stopping for gasoline along the way was not a guarantee of fuel.  They finally made it: two trucks and two dogs, and lots of belongings.  Harvey arrived the evening of August 25th and stayed and stayed!

This event brought with it a slew of social media updates; online newscasts, and general cable television broadcasts. There was no way to avoid what was destined to make landfall in just 24 hours.  And make landfall it did.  By the end of this catastrophic event, we saw wind damage, severe flooding, rain beyond compare, and overall destruction from a hurricane turned tropical storm that just would not go away.

For our part in this mess, we saw a loss of power and water, downed tree limbs, and shingles damaged on a corner of the roof.  It took the electric company almost 10 days to get power up and running.  The best news we received was a photo via text from our son with his light and ceiling fan going!  Yes, it was a long wait, but one that taught us patience, kindness, and caring about others.  The people in my son's town reached out and helped one another.  Businesses brought in food, water, and news of where to get help.  Neighbors watched out for each other's property.  Churches and ministries brought supplies and much needed assistance in the cleanup effort. 

And now, for the final "h" in my story:  "Half time."  For the college football fans reading this post, Labor Day weekend meant the first official weekend of football!  And boy, did we watch us some college ball.  My husband had awaited the first games of the season with such anticipation and hope.  Teams won and lost, some had miraculous outcomes, for a few; they lost what should have been "shoo-in" games. 

I had made a promise that once our nest became empty that I would spend more time with my husband during this football season.  That meant parking myself either in my recliner or on our couch and be "present" while the games of his choice played on our television.  I can't say that I literally watched each and every game, but I was there and for that, I know I earned some well deserved wife points!

I have never minded college football. In fact I have been to games in the past and have even sat and watched several on television.  But this particular weekend, it was what came of the viewing that surprised me.  We had "normal" back in our lives. The two weekends prior was full of change, sadness, stress, unknowns, and worry.  That was past us.  This particular weekend, we were resting, relaxing, and talking to one another about things besides the hurricane or a child we miss. 

As I was thinking about the content of this post, I looked up what the actual purpose of half time.  It was made to rest, recover, and regroup.  Plan a new strategy if need be, and prepare for the second half.  Well, as that applied to what I was feeling that particular weekend, I realized that is exactly what watching college football brought to our lives:  rest, relaxation, recovery, regrouping. 

I was reminded during my recent quiet time with the Lord, that He brings rest to the weary and renewed strength to those beaten down:

29He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:29-31

So what did I learn from this weekend of football watching?  That when we feel we have experienced too much, or are worried about so many things, God will provide a "half time."  A time of renewal and refreshment. For me, it happened in a recliner on a Saturday afternoon.  Maybe my commitment to be a part of the football watching season will serve as a reminder that God wants me to stop, and rest, and reflect on all that He has done for me and our family.  Further, I will allow Him to bring a realignment into my life.  Things that need changing or tweaking will be brought to the forefront.  And most of all, He will give me hope!

So there you have it.  Heritage, Harvey and Half Time. Even during the storms, changes, or stressors of my life, God is there.  Always.


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