Am I too Busy to Notice that it's Christmas?

Last night in Ladies Bible Study, the conversation came up about how as women, we compare ourselves to one another.  Yes, ladies, you too have been known to look across the room at someone who seems to have it so much more together than you do!  Her clothes are impeccable, her hair is stylish and yes, even her nails are done and match her outfit.  Oh, and if her kids look just as good as she does, well, that little voice that tells us we don't match up comes at us from out of the workings of our minds.

There is so much vying for our attention these days.  Commercials filled with "must haves" to purchase for loved ones as gifts, great deals screaming at us from all forms of media, and then so many activities you must attend because well, it's Christmas!

As I've been looking at my Facebook account the past several days I have been watching many people post pics of their "ELF on the SHELF."  Now, had this little guy been around when my four were young, I would have been horrible at this little game!  Just to catch some of you up who have no idea what I am talking about: There is a book about an Elf who watches the children in a family and reports back to Santa on their behavior.  The parents in the house are supposed to move the Elf to different locations and in different settings and scenarios each night after their children go to bed.  The more creative, funny and entertaining the better! These are the photos making it on Facebook. 

After seeing several of these photos, I have definitely thanked the Lord that I was NOT a part of this fad for Christmas! I would have forgotten to move the Elf; run out of creative ideas for scenarios and most certainly would have "lost" the Elf in my cluttered house so full of Christmas decorations and myriad of children's backpacks, toys and shoes.

Even though I no longer have the need or desire to play "Elf on the Shelf," I feel guilty!  Why?  Because I know that I would have been a terrible mother in this game and would have felt guilty that other mothers did a better job at it and were much more creative.  There, comparisons made even when there was nothing to compare!

This leads me to the meaning of Christmas:  A virgin birth prophesized years before, a manger, a star beckoning a group of shepherds, wise men seeking to worship him.  As I look at my manger scene that I set up each year, I am once again awed at the story.  A once a year read of Luke 2 and I am brought back to the true meaning of Christmas. 

My time of worship and praise for this Savior of mine is over and then it is time to get back into the game of living this life here on earth.  Work to do, house to clean, holiday goodies to bake, gifts to buy and wrap, travel to see family, parties to attend, Elves to move around the house, the list goes on and on!  I am overwhelmed and exhausted just thinking of it all.  So what happened to the view of the Nativity and the emotions it stirred earlier?  Lost in the sea of Christmas and its trappings.

Last Sunday morning I was having my quiet time and feeling ambivalent to the wonders of this season.  I prayed and asked God to please show me the true meaning of Christmas and to bring back the excitement I once felt whenever this time of year came upon me.  Later that morning in our worship service at church, the children's choir sang.  It took the voices of children singing "Happy Birthday Jesus" to fill me once again with joy:

Happy Birthday Jesus
I'm so glad it's Christmas
All the tinsel and lights
And the presents are nice
But the real gift is you

Happy Birthday Jesus
I'm so glad it's Christmas
All the carols and bells
Make the holiday swell
And it's all about you!

Happy Birthday Jesus
Jesus I love you

I love you Jesus
So here I am, just under two weeks until Christmas Day and still feeling overwhelmed by my to do list but with a joy and an excitement about the celebration of the birth of my Savior.   We women are doers.  As my mom once told me, "if it weren't for women, Christmas just wouldn't happen!"  There is some truth to that statement now that I am a mom and realize that all the stuff doesn't happen unless I make it happen.  But is all the stuff really necessary?  God sent His Son to us.  To save us, to sanctify us, to bring us a peace that passes all understanding.  To eventually take us home to heaven where we can live for eternity with Him.  That is Christmas.  Celebrating this remarkable, unexplainable event that happened over 2000 years ago in a little town of Bethlehem should be more than enough.
I am determined to make room in my heart and in my home for Him this year.  Yes, I am busy, but I am going to make myself stop and spend time at His feet.  That Nativity scene in my house is my reminder that the REAL GIFT is Jesus Christ!
May each one of you who reads this have a blessed Christmas season.  Enjoy your time with family and friends.  Spend time in His word each opportunity that you can.  And pray for God to give you the Christmas spirit.  It may come to you in a song just like it did me.  After all, we are celebrating a birthday, the birthday of our Jesus!


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