Someone is Always Watching You

Someone is Always Watching You!

I have noticed that there are more and more reality television shows these days. You know, the ones where the camera intrudes upon people's private lives and records their day to day living as if the rest of us really want to see what is going on in other people's worlds!  Oh wait, we DO like to do that don't we?  Did you know that the recent season of The Bachelor drew 4.2 million viewers in the age 18-49 bracket?  Or, that the popular Duck Dynasty opened up its new season with 11.8 million viewers?

What is it about these shows that make us want to tune in each week?  Is it that their lives are more exciting than ours?  Do we love to see friction? romance? crazy drama?

A recent article in Psychology Today proposed the following reason:

"Reality TV allows Americans to fantasize about gaining status through automatic fame. Ordinary people can watch the shows, see people like themselves and imagine that they too could become celebrities by being on television. It does not matter as much that the people on these shows are often are shown in an unfavorable light; the fact that millions of Americans are paying attention means that they must be important."

As I pondered my own enjoyment of one of these types of shows, I realized that I did like watching others make decisions that made me feel better.  Good or bad, I liked seeing real people either think the way I do or do something totally against my personality that I then felt better about myself.  I found I compare myself to the people on these shows and make a sub conscience choice about whether their life is better than mine at that given moment.  Maybe I secretly wish I could be noticed and a show can be made about my life.

So, how does this apply to us a christian women?  Did you know that even though there are no cameras in your living room or workplace, there are people watching you?  I am constantly drawn to the second chapter of Titus that teaches the "older" women how to act and how we are to teach the "younger" women how to raise their children, care for their homes and love their husbands:

4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes,[a] to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

In my younger years I spent a great deal of time watching the older women in my church.  I wanted to learn from them how they loved their husbands, did things and treated others.  I would actually pass judgement on their parenting abilities if I thought their kids turned out alright or not.  I may have been wrong on that last point, as I would hate someone to judge me now based on the way my grown children turned out! 

Every time we walk through our church doors, we must consider ourselves as "on."  Other women are watching us, especially the younger women.  They are unsure of themselves, stressed out, overworked, tired and often cranky!  They need to know that the way they feel is completely normal.  Life is tough nowadays.  Even in the age of instant everything, things just haven't really gotten easier.

I need to remind myself that a woman whose heart belongs to HIM is a woman who can share her heart with those around her.  I am trying to make the effort to reach out, say encouraging things, compliment a mom on her children, offer to help, send a nice note or text message, or do anything else that speaks encouragement. 

I am proud to be a part of a church that can truly be called "multi-generational."  We have the perfect opportunity to touch and encourage one another.  The Titus 2 Woman can find a place to call home. Whether it be through our MOPS programs, Bible Studies, fellowships or just doing life together, women reaching women is what it is all about.

So, when I watch the next episode of my favorite reality TV show, I am going to thank God for the real world and real church in which to do those things that He has instructed me to do. I may not become rich and famous as I practice the Titus 2 instructions in the Bible, but the ONE who's attention means the most will know that I am doing what I have been called to do.

And, as one of my favorite Duck Dynasty personalities says, doing God's will is what will make me, "Happy, Happy, Happy!"


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