Lessons from the passenger seat of a rental car

Late last fall, I had the "privilege" of tagging along with my husband through the state of Florida.  It was a working vacation of sorts for me while I joined him on his journey visiting people associated with the ministry for whom he works.

I must say, perception vs. reality really came to light this time.  I had visions of endless time to sit at my computer and catch up some much needed work assignments.  Nope, did not happen.  Further, I had hoped my husband and I would have lots of time together to just talk and enjoy our time together driving through the state.  That too did not occur.  Too much time on the phone, making appointments and scheduling last minute visits.  Not to mention, calls from back home dealing with a semi-crisis long distance.  Six hotels in 7 days.  Yep, I hauled that suitcase of mine in and out of hotels that many times.  I began to wish that I had not packed so many clothes! (P.S. I got over that feeling!)

As I now look at my week in the rear view mirror, I see a theme:

The purpose of each of our planned visits was to call on those that had supported the ministry faithfully through the past year and share a bit about what was happening currently.  Whether it was a home visit, lunch, or dinner meeting, we met some fine folks who love the Lord.  

At the end of each long and tiring day, we would find our hotel for the night and drag those suitcases out of the car once more.  We would have to try to remember what our room number was in order to be able to sign in to the complimentary wifi!  It became a joke each night that in case of an emergency we would have to help each other find the door.  A hotel room in the dark can be awfully dangerous in and of itself.

Driving over 800 miles across the state in a week's time did give us a chance to talk. Maybe not in a deep sort of way, but talk we did.  We caught up on our must tells, talked about our children, the upcoming holiday schedule and even some about our long range plans.  We also got irritated with one another a bit by day five. Surprised it took that long!

A friend of the ministry suggested a radio theater program to download for our road trip and that proved to be entertaining as well.  

The departure airport looked like an oasis by the time we got there that last day.   We were so happy to go home.  For after all, it doesn't matter where you go and what you do, HOME is always the best place to be.

So what did I learn riding "shotgun" in a rental car through Florida?  

1.  Traveling and living out of hotels is not all its cracked up to be.
2.   Eating at restaurants all day long can mess with your digestive system.
3.   There is nothing like your own car and bed for true comfort. 
4.   I never want to be a long haul truck driver.
5.   Meeting new people who love God as much as you do can be the greatest blessing.

Many of the people we visited on our journey were people my husband already knew.  For me, every one of them was a first time visit.  From returning missionaries, to retired preachers, to professionals and to an Alaskan bush pilot,  the gifts of fellowship never stopped.

When you allow God to direct your day, guide your journey, and bring people into your life who have a heart for ministry, the blessings begin to flow.  I began the trip excited for the "break," and what I hoped would be rest; yet it turned into "work" of an entirely different sort that actually provided renewal and refreshment.  My journey began with expectations that were not met, but ended up being just the path God had for me.

Upon my return home, I became excited to open God's word and read deeper.  I wanted to finish that book I was reading about 1 and 2 Thessalonians.  Further, I started a bible study book I have had for months but could never find time to commence.   I began praying fervently for those who are going through a bad time.  When others shared books they've read, sermons they have heard, or the way the Lord is currently speaking to them, their faith became contagious!

I now see that when you are talking about God, how He moves, and what He is doing around the world to bring others to Himself, you really are on a spiritual retreat.  I was reminded of the verse that says, "whenever two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be also."  It doesn't matter whether you are in church, attending a bible study, or sitting around a dining table, if God's children are gathered, He too is there.

So, maybe riding shotgun in a rental car wasn't that bad after all.  Memories were made, blessings were had, and my spouse and I grew closer just being with others who love our Lord as much as we do!


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